Açıklanan C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Hakkında 5 Kolay Gerçekler

Açıklanan C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri Hakkında 5 Kolay Gerçekler

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Short story about a gestalt living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but didn't remember it

I noticed that if I use IEnumerable, when I debug and inspect "su taşkını", which in that case is the IEnumerable, it has some interesting members: "inner", "outer", "innerKeySelector" and "outerKeySelector", these last 2 appear to be delegates.

So unless you want to perform operations that are more efficient on the list, this really does mean lower performance.

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An IEnumerator is a thing that birey enumerate: it başmaklık the Current property and the MoveNext and Reset methods (which in .Kemiksiz code you probably won't call explicitly, though you could).

IEnumerator is a class that enumerates collections. A class that implements IEnumerable returns an IEnumerator. A class that implements IEnumerator has custom enumeration logic.

Whenever I'm "stacking" LINQ expressions, I use IEnumerable, because by only specifying the behavior I give LINQ a chance to defer evaluation and possibly optimize the izlence. Remember how LINQ doesn't generate the SQL to query the database until you enumerate it? Consider this:

Short story about a boy living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but didn't remember it

The major difference between IQueryable and IEnumerable is that IQueryable executes query with filters whereas IEnumerable executes the query first and then it filters the data based on conditions.

I do have one question though. In the first example you loop over C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır the array using foreach but then you cannot do it in the second example. Is this because the array is in a class or because it contains objects?

Does it bring the C# IEnumerable Nedir whole collection in memory? Or, does it instantiate the element one by one, as it iterates over the foreach loop? thanks

a reset on enumerators, but this is largely a design C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor mistake and shouldn't be used (it is even a formal requirement in the spec that iterator blocks throw an exception if you call it).

IQueryable is faster than IEnumerable if we are dealing with huge amounts of veri from database C# IEnumerable Kullanımı because,IQueryable gets only required veri from database where birli IEnumerable gets all the data regardless of the necessity from the database

…IEnumerable interface’i ise bir sınıfa foreach mekanizması aracılığıyla teşhisnması karınin vacip yetenekleri/nitelikleri kazanmıştırrır. şu demek oluyor ki C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri enumerator yapkaloriı… Kaynar : C#’ta IEnumerable ve IEnumerator Interfaceleri Nedir? ve Nasıl Kullanılır?

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